Mental Poise and Courage
Photo credit: His Holiness Sudhanshuji Maharaj Mental Poise and Courage Many times, in life we are faced with situations which require tremendous mental strength and courage. Sometimes we find the strength and courage and sometimes we don’t, and when we don’t, we face a lot of trauma and loss – it could be emotional, material or financial or a combination of all the three. In school and college, we either face bullies or get cowed down and bullied for the rest of our term in school and college. One way to face these bullies is to become personally strong and learn to fight. But always remember, if you take the violent path, there will always be a stronger person who comes along to knock down your pride sooner or later. If you do become a good fighter, then your ego will make you strut around wherever you go, you will want to put your fighting skills on display, show off even. The best way is to learn these skills for defence, like Bruce Lee once did – your aura itself should ...