
Friday, December 26, 2008

War Hysteria across the border

For the last couple of days the visual and written media has been talking a lot of potential for war - that too during Christmas when one is supposed to pray and rejoice in the birth of Christ. We have seen politicians across the border change their tune rapidly the moment General Kayani started showing his true colors. Pakistan has a "functioning democracy" only in name - the true power has always been and always will be in the hands of the Military. Politicians in Pakistan are chameleons changing their color at all times to save their skin.

This war mongering is akin to kids shouting from the rooftop their innocence when they have been caught doing an indiscretion. We have the Pakistani media obfuscating history by stating that they have never been agressors and always repelled attacks by a "Hindu" India! They forget that we have a larger Muslim population than Pakistan just as they conveniently forget that their arse has been whipped everytime they have tried mischief, the latest being Kargil. Their media would have you believe that if USA had not intervened they would have been ruling Delhi during the Kargil conflict!

The Pakistani Taliban has also announced that they will fight with the Pakistani military if it comes to war with India - blowing off the cover of the worst kept secret that the ISI and the Taliban are hand in glove - only the USA with its blinkered and selfish tunnelled "terror" vision cannot see it. Hopefully they will now see it as it is out in the open - freely visible to the world. Hopefully they will also stop funding Pakistan - as the funds never reach the masses for alleviation of poverty or for fighting terrorists - as that would not enrich the people in power. The biggest terror state in the world is Pakistan and the sooner the world realises it the better!

If you see historically also, including in the present, there has always been conflict between countries whose neighbours are Muslim. I am sorry to make a statement like this, I have a lot of Muslim friends in India and abroad who are professionals and gentlemen to the core. A vast majority of Muslims are peace loving and good human beings - but unfortunately they are painted with the same brush because they remain a silent majority - though after 26/11 at least in India, they have stood up to condemn the violence. There is disturbance in North Africa - Nigeria/Niger/Libya/Somalia/Egypt/, Israel has been defending itself for long, Turkey faces unrest, Iran/Iraq/Afghanistan have been a hotbed of violence for decades, Malaysia and Indonesia see conflict once in a while. The only peace loving country - with a bellicose Pakistan on the West and a devious Bangladesh on the East - which historically has not invaded anyone for centuries, but has always been invaded - is India - with probably the largest muslim population in the world. The various invasions have still not managed to damage the spirituality of the people, but has only enhanced it by assimilation of different religions and cultures to make it the wonderful nation that it is - peace loving but not a pushover if it comes to war.

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