
Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Location: His residence at MHADA, Lokhandwala, Andheri West, Mumbai.
Time: 7.15pm to 9.15pm
Participants: Swami Prem Parasji, Ma Prem Sandeshji, Girish Borkar

Ma Prem Sandesh spread a carpet on the ground for us to sit comfortably. Swamiji then commenced the meditation by asking us to sit down comfortably with our eyes shut. After that he chanted the Guru Avahan mantra and as the chant commenced you could feel the energy flow as Guru Energies started descending into that room, the body felt waves of cold energy as the chant got over. He told us to sit comfortably, and as we sat He said put the chin on the chest so that it touched the thymus gland. After some time he told us to lie down if we felt comfortable that way. He said that there is no formality or set way of meditation for the Param followers, do whatever you are most comfortable, He said. I then stretched my legs and lay down on the ground.
Swamiji then started the deathless meditation process by telling us to feel that we were dead, family members were crying at our death, we should observe their grief, our body was becoming cold and senseless, and as He said that the body parts beginning with the feet started becoming numb, first the feet, followed by thighs, hips, torso, chest, arms, neck and head, all these parts had become numb, I could not move any of these parts – it was like we were actually dead. He then told us to feel that we were being taken to the morgue, that our bodies were being burnt/buried. The final rites were being completed, and then the relatives were returning home. We felt all this and were now “dead”. He said the body was just a temporary “serai” (guesthouse) and now go back home to the permanent source from where you had come and thank all the characters who had come into your life and bless and forgive all and seek forgiveness as each person was simply playing his/her role. There was tremendous peace and deep silence. There was total darkness as I felt I was going in a dark tunnel.

Swamiji then invoked on the energies of Shani Bhagwan, Lord Jesus and Lord Shiva the Lord of the Universe, these energies started descending in the room, which was already vibrant with Osho’s energy. As He invoked Lord Shiva in His hypnotic and magnetic voice, the chant of “OM NAMAHA SHIVAYA” started from deep within me, and then Swamiji also started the chant. I sensed I was Nandi, the Divine bull of Lord Shiva, in Lord Shiva’s presence and a feeling of being completely blessed went through me. There was an indescribable fragrance in the room, something not smelt before….not rose, not sandalwood, not jasmine but something really far more beautiful…

Swamiji then started telling us to feel each chakra being cleared and I could feel cold energy at the base of my spine rising upward. The spine had become cold and as He took each chakras name, the energy started going higher, I could feel the petals of my heart chakra open out with popping sounds, then there was heavy pulsating in my Agya chakra and a cold feeling on the crown chakra. In between He kept telling us to go deeper and deeper and witness what was happening. After some time (more than an hour had now passed – though it seemed just 15 minutes) he told us to slowly come out of meditation, there was so much energy in the room that the eyes refused to open. I sat up and my head dropped to my chest.

Swamiji was telling us that the objective of Param is to give the seed of enlightenment to whosoever wants it, the main objective was to unite all the positive forces under one banner so that they all work with a common purpose to attain Universal Peace and raise the Universal Consciousness levels which was what Paramatma wants accomplished. This is the dream of all spiritual Masters, Rishis and Munis as on one side humans are making atomic bombs to destroy humanity, we shall do the vice versa. By God’s Grace under Param (The Absolute) Foundation, we would endeavour to create enlightened super conscious atomic souls who would help raise the whole consciousness towards love and light. Then I was back in a sitting position as Swamiji, continued to tell us his plans for Param. He said that he will start in full force once he has ten Buddhas with zero desires standing with Him to accomplish Param’s objective. As He continued His discourse, I was still in a semi-conscious state and bent over once more to touch His feet, He said, it’s ok and patted my back and raised me up by my shoulders. As I sat down, I opened my eyes for a brief moment and I saw Him with both hands raised up palms outwards blessing us all, there was energy flowing from His palms and encompassing our beings, pushing us back a little. The pulsating energy flow was making one go back and forth – the energy now flowing was only that of Swamiji. He then told us that He had blessed us with the energy with which we could now ourselves bless others with the seed of awakening to those whom we think were ready to receive it by keeping our chitta at the Lotus Feet of the Guru. But this will take time to manifest as we will have to meditate and keep our chitta pure and desire-less. As he said this I could feel the energy descend on the right hemisphere of my head chilling it completely.

It was now past 9pm and He told us to come out of meditation, and we all prostrated in from of Him and surrendered all our past, all our negative energies at His Lotus Feet and sat up feeling totally blessed in the highly energized environment. We then prayed to Osho, all the deities present, to the trinity of Osho Mahavatar Babaji and Buddha in the living room. I touched His feet and He said “enough” and felt shy that we were touching His feet – He embraced me and then we left. An unique experience full of blessings and divine energies. Thank you Swamiji and all the divine Masters who had descended to bless us on this occasion.

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