Is it possible to see God in everyone?

Is it possible to see God in everyone?

A good sadhak should see the image of Swamiji in every individual – this is what we are told right from our entry into the Samarpan family. What does this mean? This just means that we need to see Swamiji’s qualities in each individual – Swamiji himself is empty, a complete void – so what you see in the sadhak will mirror what you are. Remember this – in Swamiji’s proximity you are at peace, your mind is quiet and still – that is because you are in his aura and your state is mirroring his state; similarly, when you try to look for Swamiji in any other individual you will notice only those qualities which are a reflection of yourself! So, if you see good or bad qualities, they are just a reflection of your own self. You need to sit back and introspect on this – once you start doing this, you will go deeper and deeper and start learning more and more about yourself!

Those of us who have accepted Swamiji to be Paramatma, can honestly say that we look for Paramatma in the form of Swamiji in each individual – what we are doing is looking for those positive qualities which make up a good human being. The qualities of humanity – the religion of humanity – as Swamiji says, if that is awakened in you, then you will only see the good in each and every being – both sentient and non-sentient.

With steady practice you will start seeing only the positive aspects of each individual and ignore the negative aspects. If there is too much negative, then most likely you will not meet such persons again, or you will consciously start avoiding them. But, if you have karma to work out with them, then it is best to face such people with courage without being affected and move on with your life.

Is it that easy? No! After the seed has been planted in you, through your regular, dedicated spiritual practice (sadhana) you start removing layers and layers of dust from your soul, slowly, very slowly the diamond starts shining, this shine is reflected in your external appearance. People in your surroundings start feeling good, that is because you are now sending positive vibrations to the universe. This is the journey from Atma to Paramatma – Soul to Supreme Soul! Introspect and see for yourself where you are, where you want to go and then chalk out the path from the current point to your destination. The universe will guide you as its sole aim is to ensure that each individual who takes birth on earth reaches the state of liberation. May each of us find the God within us and the eyes to see God in every soul!


Vrinda said…
Very insightful. Thanks for sharing

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