Trust and Lies – Truth and Mistrust


Trust and Lies – Truth and Mistrust  

From my childhood, from however far back I can remember – I have trusted people. That trust came naturally to me because I never believed that people cheat. And believe me – cheat they do! The more your trusting nature the greater your chances of being conned – because the conmen can literally see you coming as easy game!  I have personally experienced this and the conmen’s chief weapon is his golden tongue which convinces you that he is telling the truth when in fact he is lying. And people with a trusting nature invariably fall for the lies and into the trap set for them. It is said that one learns from life’s experiences – it is true to the extent that once you have a bad experience you are aware and alert about that experience, but life gives you plenty of variations in bad experiences from which you keep learning, isn’t it!

As we go through life, we keep learning that when you trust you get conned – but when your basic nature is trusting, that will not change – what this really means is that you are being conned for a purpose, meaning, your past life karmas are being extinguished. This has been my personal experience before His Holiness Shivkrupanand Swamiji and the Samarpan family came into my life. Once we start turning inwards and on the spiritual path this trusting nature becomes a serious advantage, as it becomes very easy for you to accept what is being dished out by the Satguru! Your receiving capacity goes up manifold as the divine energy starts flowing towards you and into you.

People who do not trust easily will invariably feel the opposite person is lying even though he is telling the truth. So, mistrusting individuals who have their own insecurities to deal with find it very difficult to face the truth. As it is in the modern world, truth is a rarity and when it is spoken, it is usually a bitter pill to swallow, so one thinks that it is best avoided. This is the real world of illusion in which we are living today, where fact becomes fiction and truth gets so many shades that the real truth is lost in its own variations! The media world, the politicians all help us move forward on the path of illusion. It takes character to recognise the truth and say it – once that becomes your practice, your second nature then it really does not matter what ‘people’ think – because you have said it like it is.

Meditation truly helps you in filtering sense out of nonsense – this happens at the energy level as your inner voice becomes your guide. Do meditate and become adept at both trusting people and telling the truth as you see it. This will help you cleanse your inner world and set you onto the path of liberation.


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