Unending Search for the Self
Unending Search for the Self
At some point in life, one starts questioning
the very purpose of life, why are we here, what are we doing, where are we
headed, etc. In terms of one’s career all these questions are valid because our
education, our efforts to earn a living and chart out a career path – all these
questions relevant. But at some point in life, some of us start asking these
questions in relation to one’s very existence! What then? These questions are
very fundamental to find out who we really are – are we the body? Are we the
Soul? The true seekers, even without knowing it consciously are headed towards
their goal. Their attitude to life is different from that of career-oriented
people. Such people are laid back, relaxed and enjoy life whatever the
It is such people who end up looking for a
Guru who can guide them in their search for the ‘Self’. In some cases, the Guru
comes and finds the seeker, either directly or through his representative,
because such people are spiritual but totally lost and don’t even know that
they are subconsciously searching for the ‘Self’. The Guru, then takes such
people under his wings and awakens them in a way and teaches them to go within
and find their own selves!
This path is not for the faint hearted, you
need to have the courage of your convictions, that yes – I will find my self –
as on this path you have to end up giving up a lot of ‘things’ which are
considered essential to day-to-day life in a civilised world! You have to let
go of your attachments, both personal and material, and finally you have to let
go of your ego. Both these are easier said than done.
By meditating with complete faith and
belief under the Guru’s guidance, and with continuous and regular spiritual
practice, you will notice slowly that your attitude to life is changing, you
are changing, you become calmer, quieter, more accepting, more giving as you
start going deeper within your own being. That calm, that peace, that silence
which is eternal – you begin to sense that. You start experiencing cold vibrations,
begin getting fragrances out of the blue, you feel the vibrations in your
chakras – the energy centres in your body. With time you will see your own
soul, hear the celestial sound, find yourself to be in tune with the universe.
The trick is not to become a part of this, just remain a witness to whatever is
happening and one day that unending search for the ‘Self’. Let us all meditate
with dedication and complete faith so that we find our own ‘self’ and then
ultimately merge with the universe – ‘Yatha Pinde Tatha Brahmande, Yatha
Brahmande Tatha Pinde’ – meaning ‘As is the individual, so is the universe; as
is the universe, so is the individual’.