Tackling the Past
the Past
Most of us live in the past because the past has a massive influence on
our minds, certain incidents get stuck so badly in our psyche that we just
cannot forget them. This reawakening of the past and recollecting the trauma
and grief of the past invariably causes us terrific stress. We just cannot get
rid of those memories. Every memory recall is opening up the wound afresh and
reliving the pain and the anguish! Yesterday is alive only in our minds. The
way to tackle the past is to create a great mental distance between those
incidents of the past and the present moment.
You will most likely say – easier said than done! In a way you are
right, but this is not a problem which cannot be solved. How will you create a mental
distance between your past and your ‘now’? Every time some incident jogs
distant memories, tell yourself – what has happened has happened, it cannot be
undone, the only real moment is now – the present moment – and bring yourself
mentally back to the present moment. Recall pleasant and happy memories in
place of bad ones and soon you will find yourself putting a mental distance
between the past and the now.
Meditation is a sure-fire way of living in the present – meditation under
the guidance of a realised Master helps you turn inwards towards your soul. As
you meditate with regularity alone and in the company of other seekers, you
slowly start balancing your chakras, and with the balancing of your chakras
your internal system gets harmonized with the universe – because what is
outside is inside. This oneness with the universe in time quietens our mind to
such an extent that the past literally becomes history – those bad memories get
buried far away and your eureka moment comes – hey, the past no longer bothers
me! Wow!
Do remember, meditation is a spiritual practice and it requires
dedication and regularity to have a positive effect on your personality.
Believe me your life will change for the better and you will turn into a
completely new, calm, composed, happy, joy-giving person!
Link to healthy living: https://bit.ly/3hc2ECe