Never Give Up
Give Up
Human beings have been given the ability to think,
the sense to achieve beyond expectations, the drive to succeed and go where ‘no
man has gone before’. It is said that we use just a fraction of our inherent
abilities as we have not learnt to use the full power of our brain. When we
have such hidden abilities within us, then why do we feel afraid and scared at
the smallest tragedy that befalls us. There are innumerable stories of people
who are born with disabilities or people to whom life throws a curve ball and
they fall victim to accidents which make them wheelchair bound, but these
people dive deep within and come up with the strength to fight and discover and
develop new skills which makes their life far more outstanding than those who
are considered ‘normal’!
A simple net search will give you a whole list of
such stories – many of them have gone on to become motivational speakers
inspiring people with similar disabilities to get up and live their life with
the new ‘normal’ – not just live it but become successful too! There is the
story of Gurah from a very poor family in West Bengal who was brilliant in
school. In spite of their poverty, he stood first throughout. His parents died
and he had to give up studies due to lack of finance. He joined the air force
through a group recruitment drive and ranked third in the all-India
examination. Unfortunately, he met with a terrible accident and was told that
he would be confined to a wheelchair for life – a bright rocketing career shot
down by fate?! So, you would think, after initial despair he decided to do
something about his life – he decided he wanted to paint. HE DID NOT GIVE UP.
He contacted the Mouth and Foot Artist Association and enrolled himself. Today,
he is a success story with more than 100 amazing paintings to his credit – he now
motivates people by talking at various paraplegic centres all over the country!
Just as you should not give up in life, never give
up when you are on the spiritual path. Meditation is something that balances
all your chakras while you go through the ups and downs of life. It gives you
the ability to stay balanced in all environments. Just because you do not get
meditation, don’t give up – because it just takes a fraction of a moment, just
one flash for you to go from the material to the universal – the kundalini (the
latent serpent energy lying at the base of the spine) rises and goes through
the three meridians and seven chakras in a flash as you attain liberation. That
is something that is permanent and lasting – keep that picture in mind if you
ever feel like giving up on meditation! Remember meditation is life and life is
meditation. Live it, enjoy it!
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