When will we Learn to remain Awake?
When will we Learn
to remain Awake?
Many of us have been practicing
spirituality in some form or the other for several years. Some of us are born
spiritual, some work at it and become spiritual and some have spirituality
thrust upon them. Whichever category you fall into, the question is after becoming
soul conscious do you remain in that state continuously or do you vacillate between
period of body consciousness and soul consciousness?
We all live in society, go to work,
attend parties, and so on where we come in contact with a variety of people –
some good some not so good. Because we practice spirituality either through
meditation, mindfulness practice, yoga or whichever method – we have a tendency
to pull in negative vibrations from others. When we do that, we get disturbed
and we are not aware about what has disturbed our balance. We try and analyse
what went wrong and invariably cannot pin it down! The trick is to remain
balanced and aware in spite of living in society with all its facets. I will
try and tell you what works for me – remember it is something we have to first
learn to do consciously and then with practice it becomes a part of you.
Start noticing things consciously –
why do I get angry so often? Why am I comparing myself to others? Why can’t I get
up when the alarm goes off? Why do I attract so much drama? The first step is always
being aware of the present moment followed by an impulse to change something. Next,
is feeling a sense of connection which comes from shared humanity. This
connection could be with your friends, family, community and so on. You develop
a heightened awareness of other creatures and their right to live on this
planet. You consciously stop littering and so on which establishes your love
for earth. You then start letting go of your attachments – each attachment
drops away like another piece of clothing. Once this process starts you start
feeling inner peace and quiet.
You slowly develop a sense of empathy
to others’ problems giving rise to compassion which is inspired by the empathy.
As you progress and learn to remain awake you will begin to feel a sense of
being in tune with existence, once you start feeling that you will begin to lose
the fear of death, once you lose the fear of death, you will no longer be
afraid of anything – you have reached a stage of soul consciousness where you
are always in a state of wakefulness.
To remain consistently in a state
of wakeful awareness one should practice meditation, spend time in nature, laugh
and spread joy, dance in abandon, do community work, volunteer for social
causes, practice gratitude and consciously slow down in today’s fast paced
world. As Eckhart Tolle said, “You find peace not by rearranging the
circumstances of your life, but by realising who you are at the deepest level.”
Focus on becoming yourself – that will be time well spent!