Help Them If You Can
Photo Credit: ABC Radio National |
Help Them If You Can
In life, we come across situations
where people behave very nastily with us, to the extent that invariably our
reaction too becomes nasty. But nastiness is not our core nature, but the
energy emanating from the other person causes a reaction deep within us and we
find that we respond in kind even though there was no initial intention. This
happens when negative energy keeps bombarding us and by remaining in range we
succumb to that negative power and react.
The best thing to do in such
cases is to recognise what is happening immediately, apologise and excuse
yourself and walk away. Sometimes, walking away will not be an option, but
reacting is our choice – so, don’t say a word and keep mouthing a silent prayer
for the other person/s without listening to a word that they are saying. You
can do this through the power of your prayer – your mind is very powerful; just
focus on the prayer and believe me you will not hear a word the other person is
saying – you will just hear a buzz!
When you don’t hear anything,
there is no reaction, you only feel sorry for the person. After some time, the
other person will also quiet down and walk away – that is because you have not
added fuel to the fire by reacting! Once upon a time you too would have vented
out on others resulting in bruising arguments and relations. Look back and
thank yourself and the God within for the change – it is all His Grace, the
person who is venting at you today will also change because of your silent
prayers – isn’t that beautiful?
We were all not born as saints,
were we? So, accept the fact that he/she too will change in time. No one remains
bad/good for ever – change is the only constant. When we learn to witness, we
learn to observe both the positive and negative and do not participate in either
the positivity or the negativity. We just see, we are not the positivity or
negativity. Today’s sinner is tomorrow’s saint!
There is no point disliking such
people. Just help them, if you can. If you can’t help them, at least don’t hate
them. By not reacting at all or by reacting positively to their nasty and
violent behaviour, they might even change there and then! We have no right to
condemn anybody. Just send loving vibrations silently.
By showing compassion and
kindness, by praying for the overall welfare of others we are changing the
energy paradigm around us, in time you will notice that the negative does not
even approach anywhere close to us. See, there is always a positive way of
looking at things!