What Is Existence?


Photo Credit: The Explanation.com

What Is Existence?

Existence means that which is, whereas God is that which is not. Existence is the reality and God is a creation of the human mind. Those who meditate can learn more deeply about ‘existence’; God is a kind of consolation for those who cannot see their own reality within. The human mind has not created existence and hence it stands alone, whereas the human mind has created hundreds of Gods – each according to his need, each according to his suffering, each according to his expectations.

God is a panacea, a consolation but definitely not a cure. To be in tune with existence is to be healthy and whole – to be in tune with the surroundings, both within and without you. The moment you manage to tune in to existence there is no tension, no worry, but you feel a tremendous peace which surrounds your being, a contentment which you have never dreamt of.

The ultimate truth does not need any remembrance, it has always been there, is there and will be there. The ultimate truth of existence comes to those who meditate regularly – it actually uncovers you from all the lies that we have imbibed and lived (the life of illusion). And through your meditative practice there is a sudden revelation that you are a part of an immense truth called existence!

No temple, mosque or church can make you discover this – you actually don’t need them. All you need is a loving, prayerful heart, a grateful heart – that is your real temple, mosque, church. That will transform your whole life, not only transform, but help you discover not just yourself, but the very depths of this immense existence.

We are similar to the waves of the ocean – just on the surface, while the ocean may be miles deep. A small wave on the top will never know the depth – her own depth, because she is not separate from the ocean. We, like the wave, cling on to our small entity, afraid of dying, afraid of losing herself in the vastness of the ocean, in its infinity! But in reality, the death of the wave is not a death, but the beginning of eternal life.

Meditation is simply the purest way of coming into contact with your existence. Once contact is established, it becomes a merger and a melting – you become existence yourself. You then find yourself in the clouds, in the stars, in the flowers and in the rains. You are everywhere – you are no longer the drop; you have become the ocean.


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