
Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Influencing One’s Surroundings

Photo Credit: Healthline


Influencing One’s Surroundings

As much as we would like to think that during most times, we are immune to our surroundings, we are not. In fact, our surroundings affect us in many different ways, and possibly impact our personal needs, interests, and mindsets. On a daily basis, we are in constant contact with the environment we choose to place ourselves in, and the main factors, such as colour, location, nature, family, and social environment, they all influence the way we behave and how we interact. All those factors are underestimated very often. We, as sensitive creatures, have an awareness of the environment we are in, and during most times, we try to seek places with certain qualities.

Each of us perceives things like colour differently, triggering emotions dissimilar to each other, affecting our mood and behaviour. Throughout the course of our lives, humans tend to associate colour with an emotion that was evoked at the very moment it was introduced visually, making us base it on our experiences. The environment subconsciously creates our moods, electrifying it with motivating energy and emotions of joy, or bringing it down and causing negative feelings such as anxiety or stress. 

Each human being can sense his/her surroundings for danger, love, affection as the internal antennae provides the warning signals. As discussed above we know that the surroundings can influence our sense of well-being, but did you know that you yourself can influence your own surroundings?

Each person has a unique electromagnetic signature which envelops the physical body – this is your aura. With meditation and mindfulness practise under the guidance of a realised Master, this aura can be developed to such an extent that it starts protecting you and influencing your surroundings.

When you start living in the moment in a more or less thoughtless state, your aura remains pure and does not let any negative vibes affect you. You yourself start emitting positive vibrations, as a result of which anyone or anything coming within your aura start feeling good; even those with minor ailments like headaches or body aches feel better and find that their aches and pains have miraculously disappeared. This happens because the healing power of your aura (if you have reached that state) subtly provides the healing touch to such people.

Wherever you go, your aura goes with you – thus you carry your protective and positive energy field with you. So, whether you are in train, a plane or wherever, those people who come within range feel the positive and loving energy and may also pass a comment regarding the same. I have experienced this many times.

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