Bliss through the Inner Journey
Photo Credit: Pinterest Bliss through the Inner Journey One can conquer the whole world but still not know bliss. Alexander the Great’s story is well known – Alexander’s misery was tremendous when he realised that even after conquering the whole world he would have to give it all up just for a glass of water if he was dying of thirst in a desert. One can only attain to that level of bliss when one conquers the Self. We can have everything and still feel that we are at a loss. We can pile up money, power, prestige, and the more we have the more we become aware of the futility of it all and the greater the emptiness we feel within. Only the rich come to know what inner poverty is, because they can compare; they can compare notes. They have a background and they can see their own inner poverty against it. They are rich as far as the outside is concerned, but the inside is simply starving. The only bliss possible is that which comes through the inner. One has to come to one’s...