From Mind to Meditation


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From Mind to Meditation

The mind is complex as well as simple, this we can say when we take our mind from the complexity of nature (Prakriti) to the simplicity of peace and tranquillity. The mind is like a lake with thousands of external and internal modifying ripples in it due to various vrrities (modifications).

The moment we change from mind to meditation our whole life gets affected. It is natural. If it is not affected, that will be something unnatural. Our relationships are bound to change.

For example, a man may believe that he loves his wife. The moment he starts meditating it will become clear and transparent whether he loves her or not. He may never have loved her. He may simply be using her as an object, or he may be using her as a mother substitute. He may be using her because he is unable to be alone, but he may never have loved her. He may be dependent on her; she may have great utility.

But to use another human being is immoral, ugly - and to pretend that we love…. That does not mean that one is consciously doing it; it may be just an unconscious thing. We may not even be aware that we don’t love the other person; we may also think that we love that other person. We may not be deceiving her/him deliberately; we may be deceiving her/him and we may be deceived ourselves too.

But if we start meditating, things will become clear. We will have more light in our life; just as when we bring a candle into a dark room we start seeing clearly. In the darkness the window looked like a door; now it is no longer a door. Or the painting, the frame of the painting, in the darkness and dimness looked like a window; it is no longer a window. Now that we see things clearly, we cannot behave in the old way. We will have to change; we will have to rearrange our whole life.

That’s what happens to every practitioner of meditation under the guidance of a realised Master. If our love was true, it will be deepened; if it was false, it will disappear. If our respect for our parents was just a formality, it will disappear; if our respect for our parents was a reality, it will become more and more profound. The work that we were doing - if it was our heart’s fulfillment, we will go deeper into it.

The meditative mind rests at the state of complete tranquillity like a lake of crystal-clear water at peace with no ripples or disturbance. If someone throws a stone (a thought, word, etc) into that meditative lake the ripples do not arise, the stone gets engulfed by the lake without causing an effect, so, no cause is created by the stone so there is no effect.

That is meditation, a sharp, focused, relaxed, and fully controlled the mind, once this mind starts merging and gets dissolved in the Self, the pure consciousness is realised.


beautiful. very bold comments on love and relationships.
yes I find Oshos shades in your wards.

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