Follow Your Inner Voice
Follow Your Inner
We live on two levels. One is the periphery: the world of action. The
other is the inner being, the world of no-action: the world of existence, not
of doing. All that we do is on the periphery and all that we are is at the centre.
We have to continuously move from the centre to the periphery to do something.
Whenever we are doing something, we are on the periphery.
Whatsoever we are doing, we are on the periphery.
When we are not doing anything, then we are at the centre. Witnessing is a non-action.
Meditation is non-action. When we sit for meditation, we are on the
periphery, we watch our breath, chant mantras, and so on – we are doing
something, and then suddenly we get a meditative state, we are not there, we
have connected with our innermost core – the centre of our being. This centre
is our witness.
Once we know this centre, once we recognise this centre,
once we have felt this centre – follow the orders. We will be directed; we have
found our master. Now follow whatever is said to us from the centre and don’t
listen to the periphery. The periphery is cultivated by others and our centre
is untouched, virgin; it is from the divine.
But first, find the witness. Jesus has said, “First seek ye the kingdom of
God. Then all else will follow.” Don’t bother about other things. First find
out the innermost core of the kingdom of God. Then we need not worry about
anything; all else will follow. Just follow the inner voice. We don’t
know what the inner voice is, we don’t know what the inner is. Society has
confused us deeply. It goes on saying that its own voice is our inner voice. It
has placed many voices in us just to control us from within. It is a social
Society controls us in two ways. One, by outer
arrangements: the policeman on the street, the court, the judge, the law, the
government. This is the outer arrangement, but it is not enough. We can
deceive the law; we can manipulate the court. And the policeman, of course, is
just another human being. So that arrangement is not enough.
No matter what we say is true, the contradictory
is also true somewhere; it is not absolute. Now that we have become aware of
the whole complexity of the human conscience, we know that our conscience is
just a social product. So many societies exist together that the inner
policeman has become weak. Make the inner policeman strong through
The inner voice will direct us. Its directions
will be absolutely different from what society says – absolutely different. But
for the first time we will become religious, not simply moral. We will be moral
in a much deeper sense. Morality will not be a duty; it will not be something
imposed upon us. It will not be a burden; it will be spontaneous.
We will be good, naturally good. We will not
become thieves – not because society says, “Don’t be a thief,” but because we
cannot be. We will not kill because it is impossible. We love life so much now
that violence becomes impossible. It is not a moral code; it is an inner
direction. We affirm life, we revere life. A deep reverence comes
to us, and through that reverence everything follows.
it is a different subject well explained. thanks