
Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Problems – Doing Something


Photo Credit: QuoteFancy

Problems – Doing Something

Accepting any problem is doing something about it. Acceptance is not mere acceptance: it is the very method of changing it. The moment we accept anything, it starts coming into the conscious. It leaves the unconscious. It starts coming to the light because now we are not denying it so there is no need for it to hide. Now we are not against it and there is no need to go on living underground: it can come and face us.

And when things come to the conscious and we see them clearly. And they can be seen clearly only when we accept. If somewhere we have any kind of denial, rejection, we cannot look into the eyes of a thing. We avoid it, we don't want to see; we are afraid.

Acceptance makes us unafraid of any fact – if it is there. The moment we see that it is there and we are no more repressing it, it comes up, it surfaces; it comes into the light. We can see it through and through and that very seeing is a transforming phenomenon. We will never be the same again once we have seen the facts about ourselves in their utter nakedness.

Acceptance is not just acceptance: it is a way of changing the whole situation. Accept it, allow it, and we will see many things are useless, just hang-ups from the past; they can be thrown easily. Just by seeing them – that they are hang-ups from the past – we get rid of them. Nothing else is needed in just seeing that.

And the remaining are messages of tremendous import from our deepest core, from our navel to the head – which has gone very, very far away. Those messages are very significant; they have to be understood. By understanding them we will be creating a bridge between our unconscious and conscious. By understanding them we will become more one, more individual. The division, the split will disappear. We will start feeling a new centre arising in us – the centre which is called integration.

A choiceless awareness – that is the ultimate key to open the innermost mystery of our being. Don't say it is good, don't say it is bad. When we say something is good, attachment arises, attraction arises. When we say something is bad, repulsion arises. Fear is fear – neither good nor bad. Don't evaluate, just let it be. Let it be so.

When we are there without condemnation and justification, then in that choiceless awareness all psychological pain simply evaporates as dewdrops in the early morning sun. And left behind is a pure space, left behind is virgin space.

Acceptance becomes the key solution to all problems. And in this state, there is no self as such because there is no observer, controller, judger. One is only that which arises and changes from moment to moment.

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