
Monday, March 30, 2020

Shift in Consciousness

Our spiritual Guru had warned us of a shift in consciousness taking place from 2014 onwards which would result in a lot of upheaval in nature. After that warning I have actually been observing the shift taking place gradually since 2014 with its intensity increasing with each passing year. USA never used to suffer from flooding, power outages – the problem they faced was of typhoons. But, since then the US has faced torrential rains leading to floods, heavy snowstorms leading to power outages, the water crisis in California and the bush fires in the west coast are now the norm. Similarly, forest fires in Canada, volcanic eruptions all over the world, earthquakes, tsunamis and cyclones, land slides and avalanches they are all happening with increasing frequency and intensity. Apart from nature man himself has created more crises for himself, weaponization, degradation of forests, rampant mining not caring for the ecology, sand mining in rivers etc as man’s greed and desire in the name of development seems to have no end. A planet which is said to have a peak capacity to support a population of 3 billion people is now home to more than 7 billion people.
This has resulted in a direct conflict between man – supposedly the intelligent creature – and the wild with consequences of wild life hunting domestic animals in search of food as we slowly and surely impinge on their natural habitat. Wild, natural forest areas are reducing, the living area of the wild animals is reducing which is giving rise to more and more man-animal conflict. Some countries have taken steps to rectify this, but very little is being done. The human species is ruining the existence of millions of other planetary inhabitants which is forcing nature to fight back – thus we see the shift in consciousness taking place. Nature is angry and when nature is angry the helpless human can just sit and watch nature’s fury – we find ourselves to be so puny in front of grandiose nature, we cringe in helplessness.
The intensity of the shift in consciousness is now palpable, I can literally feel it as it happens. But it is all for the good, the era of intellectual power is coming to an end as slowly the era of will-power or chitta shakti comes into play. As Swamiji says – now countries with greater will-power or chitta shakti will dominate the world – and the only way to develop your chitta shakti is through meditation. It is a well-known law of physics that matter only changes form it cannot be destroyed. So, we are now in that transition phase where things are changing – and it is a law of nature that without destruction there is no creation. So, the bad and evil will go before the good takes over and that can happen only after a churning takes place on earth. We are now in the churning phase with natural and man-made calamities rising and taking their toll.

The Current Global Pandemic and its effects on Nature
A lot has been written on the whys, the conspiracies, etc on the spread of the COVID19 virus globally to the extent that the WHO was forced to declare it as a pandemic on March 11, 2020. This was after the first detection in Wuhan some time in August 2019. Let us leave aside the reason for delay in terming this a human to human transmission virus thus letting about 50 million people travel to different corners of the globe from Wuhan province where they were working.
The 21 day lockdown initiated by the PM in India and then followed by other world leaders all over the world has resulted in some unexpected/unanticipated benefits for the world. An immediate consequence which we observed in India was cleaner air, silence – no traffic, no hooting on the roads, no chatter – with this the chirping and singing of birds became audible, some birds not spotted for a long time could now be seen, deer, bears, a civet, peacocks, foxes etc could be seen in the cities bordering forests. Dolphins were seen after a long time in the sea at Marine Drive. The rivers, creeks which had turned into nullahs with muck and pollution started becoming cleaner and started flowing again as nature started the healing process allowing itself to slowly but surely start blooming again. In Mumbai, where I live, the rivers and creeks have started becoming cleaner with no industrial pollution and waste being illegally dumped there. The natural corollary of the earth repairing itself is the wildlife coming out into the open.
For a change the humans are caged and the animals and birds roam freely! Just goes to prove the kind of damage the humans do in the name of development and progress. The question which comes to mind is are we progressing or regressing. It took a microbe which cannot even be seen to bring the whole world to its knees – what use all the nuclear weapons, missiles and what have you when nature strikes it really strikes and humans can’t do anything but panic.
The enforced lockdown by a microbe has resulted in the earth cleansing itself and rejuvenating. It would be wonderful if the humans on earth take a simultaneous 21-day vacation every year so that it gives time to Mother Earth to heal itself every year. If a microbe can force us to do it and we actually end up doing it, then I am sure the heads of countries will be able to see the benefit accruing to nature as it heals itself in this forced lockdown. The data on ozone repair and air and water purification during this enforced lockdown, this could be used by the United Nations to voluntarily ask all countries to take a 21 day holiday every year.
Every such step will help humans transition in during the shift in consciousness as it takes place. It will help us stay balanced, positive and focused on holistic development of all species on earth so that we are able to leave a more beautiful planet for the future generations than we have today.


Unknown said...

True. The heads of nation should also considering the reduction of Wasteful Defence expenditure and use it for human welfare

Shiraz Merchant said...

Where there are self interests and greed exhibited in this human centric world, this can only be forced on us thru nature's fury and wrath. Even, today some of the world leaders, if u can call them that, refuse to see the underlying message nature is sending us and persist on their destruction of our planet. You need to acknowledge the fact, that humans are the most intellectually destructive race, before u go about setting things straight. We have learnt this through experience and can only begin by doing our bit, however tiny it may seem. If we decide to respect nature in all its glory, that is a beginning.

The Yoga Institute said...

Very Informative Post

The Yoga Institute Goa