
Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Overcoming Fear


Photo Credit: Oranum Blog

Overcoming Fear

Fear is natural but it appears to be overwhelming. In dying, as in any other phase of living, it is normal to feel afraid. Fear is an inbuilt mechanism which warns us about danger approaching us and it is something that should not be ignored. But when we are so overcome with fear and we become chronically anxious and worried, then fear becomes counter-productive. Then it is no longer protecting us but blocking our ability to live as per our likes.

We can get rid of fear in several ways or at least reduce it substantially. The first is acceptance – once we actually face whatever feeling might be troubling us that we can go beyond it. The moment we stop fighting with what is, miraculously the problems we had created can disappear. If you still feel afraid even after acknowledging and accepting your fear then one could take the following steps.

Talk to a good listener who doesn’t judge you or leap at you with advice. Such a person understands that by talking about your feelings, those emotions move from the bottom of your mind into the light of day and that could help you to find some clarity and understand the fear. This person could be a family member or a good friend.

Osho says that fear creates a trembling within you and when that happens do not try to repress it, just tremble. While you are in that phase, sit for meditation and watch the fear within, observe your mind and the thoughts that are passing through. Allow whatever is happening to happen and in some time, you will notice that the feeling has gone away. If you just step back and watch, you see everything from a detached and different perspective – you are not a part of the problem – then the picture becomes clear and the fear dissipates.

The trembling has gone, the cyclone has moved on and you will now find that you are centred, centred as you were never before. Once you learn how to let things just be, you will have the master key that opens the inner doors. Then whatever happens, just let it be, don’t avoid it.

Stay in the present and meditate regularly. Fear is always something that is to happen in the future – such as a medical procedure, or being in pain, losing love, or it could be just dying! The moment you find yourself thinking about some ghastly future scenario, immediately bring yourself back into the present moment. Do something that gives you a sense of connection with your body, such as jogging, walking or exercising. This is because the body can only be in the present and the activity will keep your roaming mind too in the present.

Meditation helps us in connecting within – by moving inwards, beyond the mind – to the dimension of simply being. This no-mind space which is our true nature, once we reach that state, then fear which anyways is nothing but a  thought, will no longer bother us.

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