Love and Awareness


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Love and Awareness

Love and awareness are the highest form of polarity – just like man/woman, life/death, darkness/light, summer/winter, outer/inner, yin/yang, the body and the soul, the creation and the creator. Love and awareness are the highest form of polarity, the last polarity, at which transcendence happens.

Love needs two. It is a relationship, it is outgoing, it is energy moving outwards. There is an object: the beloved. The object becomes more important than oneself. Our joy is in the object. If our beloved is happy, we are happy; we become part of the object. There is a kind of dependence, and the other is needed. Without the other we will feel lonely.

Awareness is just being with oneself in utter aloneness, just being alert. It is not a relationship, the other is not needed at all. It is not outgoing, it is introversive. Love is the movement of the light out of our being. Awareness is the reverse movement, the backward movement of the light to the source again, returning to the source.

The child has to get lost in the world to become a child again. The innocence has to go into all the turmoil of cunningness and calculation of worldly living to become really innocent again. A child is innocent, but his innocence is that of ignorance. A saint is also innocent, but his innocence is not of ignorance but of experience, of ripeness, of maturity. He is again innocent, but that again has great importance – he cannot be distracted from his innocence anymore.

The child is bound to get distracted: every Adam has to leave the Garden of Eden, the world of innocence. Every Adam has to go into the world, into the mud of it, because only there will we mature, will we ripen. Only there will we learn, only there will we see in contrast the beauty of innocence, will we understand the splendour of innocence. The day we have learned the beauty of innocence, we have become aware of it, we will have returned home.

Love is a must for spiritual growth. And, moreover, love functions as a mirror. It is very difficult to know oneself unless we have looked at our face in the eyes of someone who loves us. Just as we have to look in the mirror to see our physical face, we have to look in the mirror of love to see our spiritual face. Love is a spiritual mirror. It nourishes us, it integrates us, it makes us ready for the inner journey, it reminds us of our original face. Love is not as valuable as freedom is. 

Love is a great value, but not higher than freedom. So, one would like to be loving, but one would not like to be imprisoned by love. The less one possesses, the closer one feels to the other. If we don’t possess at all, if there is freedom flowing between the lovers, there is great love.


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