Meditation and Mind Games


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Meditation and Mind Games

We should make meditation the first thing in our daily schedule, and not the last. Then when we feel that now it is not an effort, when we can sit for an hour together completely immersed in breathing – aware, attentive – when we only know this, that we have achieved attention of breathing without any effort; when we are relaxed and enjoying it without any forcing, then we have attained it. Then add something else – for example, walking.

We should remember both; then go on adding things. After a certain period, we will be capable of being aware of our breath continuously, even in sleep. And unless we are aware even in sleep, we will not be able to know the depth. But as we progress deeply, this comes.

The mind will give us a wrong start. So, always remember to begin rightly, because rightly begun means half done. But we start wrongly. We know very well that attention is a difficult thing. This is because we are totally asleep. So, if we start being attentive to breathing while we are doing something else, we cannot do it.

Beware of what the mind says. Do not be too trusting of the mind. And we are never doubtful. We can doubt everyone but we never doubt our own minds. Even those who talk so much of scepticism, of doubt, of reason, even they never doubt their own minds. And our mind has brought us to the state we are in.

If we are in a hell, our mind has brought us to this hell, and we never doubt this guide. We can doubt any teacher, any master, but we never doubt our mind. With unflinching faith, we move with our mind as our guru. And our mind has brought us to this mess that we are in. If we are going to doubt anything, first we should doubt our own mind. And whenever our mind says something, think twice.

Is it true that we do not have any time? Really? We do not have any time to meditate – to give half an hour to meditation? Think twice. Ask the mind again and again, “Is this the case, don’t I have any time?”

People are continuously on social media, playing games on phones, chatting, playing cards, watching movies, and so on – and they don’t have time to meditate! They kill time doing all kinds of things – but half an hour in a day is a huge time problem! When we do find the time to meditate and get used to it, we find out that slowly the mind dissolves, and as this happens, the mind becomes alert and tells us – where do we have the time to meditate? And even if there is time, there are so many far more important things to take care of – don’t meditate, take care of these things first!

The moment we go deep in meditation, we will not survive on this earth at least – we will disappear. From the circle of this life, this wheel, we will disappear. Meditation is like death, so the mind becomes afraid.

Meditation is like love, so the mind becomes afraid. “Postpone,” it says, and we can go on postponing ad infinitum. Our mind is always saying things like this. And this blog is not for others, it is for all of US….those who are on the spiritual path!


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