Spiritual Helplessness


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Spiritual Helplessness

Authentic power lies in the hands of God who created the world and, having created, admires it. It is all in His hands. All strength, all power lies in His hands. Become weak, helpless, we will get His support. If we are strong, we need no support. God is the strength of the weak and helpless. If we become helpless here, God awaits us there; but He belongs to the weak, not to the strong.

The strong do not need Him; they believe in helping themselves. They deny God from all their endeavours, their arrogance is still strong. They do not feel the need of God’s help.

Realising our worth and taking shelter in the Lord’s grace, we have infinite power and wealth to back us. We can move mountains provided we keep our trust in God and are fully conscious of our own insignificant strength. We have seen this practically and experienced it when we do Swamiji’s programmes – the programmes are great and till the last moment everything is dangling, and then suddenly everything falls into place like magic. That is God’s will – our will is tested and we are found wanting, then we pray with a clean heart, and things just happen.

No sooner do we become helpless, then the fountain of the supreme strength begins to flow for us. As long as we rely on our own strength and give it importance, our power is not worth a penny. Therefore, Guru Nanak keeps repeating again and again: neither this has the power nor that… he is depriving you of all your strength. Therefore, I say, the Satguru snatches things away from us; he does not give. He takes away everything, he makes us helpless, he makes us weak.

He leaves us in the state of a person in the middle of a desert, dying of thirst and no water anywhere. At the moment of the thirst that arises out of this helplessness – that moment we shall attain. We will call out, “Oh Paramatma, please help!” and there He will be! When we are completely helpless, we get the supreme help.

And remember - there is no one high, no one low here. Therefore, do not worry about anything else. Before Him, all are equal, all are the same. So, do not fear that the strong will reach, or the virtuous will reach, or the benefactors, or those who meditate, will reach first. There is no one high and no one low here. If we feel the difference of high and low, it is entirely our own doing; it is not because of Him. If we lose ourselves entirely, we shall rise high; if we save ourselves, we shall be low.

For divine blessings to flow we need to surrender completely, unconditionally, become completely void and then the flow starts – just bathe in it!


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