My Aura is My Ashram


Photo Credit: DKScore

My Aura is My Ashram

Swamiji tells us to carry our ashram with us - "My aura is my ashram" speaks to this profound truth; our personal energy field, our aura, is a sacred space, much like an ashram, where we can find peace, healing, and spiritual growth. An ashram is traditionally a retreat, a place of stillness and spiritual practice, where seekers go to connect with their higher selves and the divine. In a similar way, our aura—the energetic field surrounding and emanating from us—serves as our personal sanctuary, a place we carry with us wherever we go. It reflects our state of being and holds the potential for deep spiritual transformation.

The idea that "my aura is my ashram" invites us to take responsibility for our energy. Just as we would care for a physical space, keeping it clean and harmonious, so too must we care for our aura. Our energy field is influenced by our thoughts, emotions, actions, and interactions with others. Negative emotions, such as anger, fear, or resentment, can cloud our aura, making it heavy or fragmented. On the other hand, positive emotions like love, compassion, and joyous laughter keep our aura bright and vibrant. The more we tend to our energy, the more peaceful and balanced we become, turning our aura into a refuge from the stresses and chaos of the outside world.

When we view our aura as an ashram, we begin to treat it with the reverence it deserves. This means being mindful of the people and environments we expose ourselves to, as well as the thoughts and feelings we allow to dominate our consciousness. Just as we wouldn’t want to bring disruptive energy into a sacred space, we should be mindful not to allow negative influences to pollute our aura. This doesn’t mean avoiding challenges or difficult emotions but rather approaching them with awareness and care, recognising how they affect our energy and taking steps to restore balance.

Meditation is one of the most powerful ways to cleanse and strengthen our aura. In meditation, we turn inward, allowing the mind to quiet and the energy field to stabilize. As we enter deeper states of stillness, the aura begins to purify, releasing any accumulated negativity and expanding in light and clarity. In this way, meditation transforms our aura into a true ashram—a place of spiritual retreat, where we can find healing, insight, and divine connection.

The practice of visualisation can also help maintain a harmonious aura. By visualising ourselves surrounded by a protective, glowing light, we reinforce the integrity of our energy field. This visualisation serves as a reminder that we are always surrounded by the divine, and that our aura is a reflection of this divine energy. It becomes a shield that not only protects us from negativity but also radiates love and peace to others.

Our aura also reflects the way we treat ourselves. If we are harsh, critical, or neglectful of our inner needs, our energy field will mirror this discord. When we practice self-love and self-compassion, however, our aura becomes vibrant and expansive. It is important to remember that caring for our energy is not just about external influences, but also about how we nurture our own inner life. The more we cultivate love and kindness towards ourselves, the more our aura becomes a true sanctuary, a place of deep peace and spiritual nourishment. 

When we think of our aura as our ashram, we also begin to understand that we have the power to influence the world around us. Just as the energy of a physical ashram can bring peace to those who visit, so too can our aura radiate peace and healing to others. When we cultivate a bright, harmonious energy field, we create a ripple effect, spreading positive energy to everyone we encounter. This understanding deepens our sense of responsibility—not only for our own well-being but for the well-being of those around us. 

Ultimately, recognising that "my aura is my ashram" is about reclaiming our power as spiritual beings. It reminds us that our true sanctuary lies within, and that we carry this sacred space with us wherever we go. By tending to our energy with love, mindfulness, and care, we transform our aura into a place of spiritual refuge, where we can find peace, healing, and a deeper connection with the divine. Through this understanding, we realise that we are not separate from the sacred, but that we are continuously enveloped in it, living in the radiant light of our own divine energy.


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