Nothing means ‘no thing’

Photo Credit: Pin Page Nothing means ‘no thing’ Nothingness is often misunderstood as emptiness, a void, or an absence of meaning. But in the spiritual sense, ‘nothing’ does not mean a lack of existence - it means the absence of form, limitation, and attachment. When we say ‘nothing means no thing,’ we are pointing to the reality beyond physical objects, mental constructs, and material identifications. True spiritual realisation is not about accumulating knowledge or possessions but about dissolving all that is transient and temporary to experience the essence of pure being. In our daily lives, we often seek meaning in things - relationships, achievements, possessions, and identities. We define ourselves by our roles, our successes, and our failures. However, everything we attach ourselves to is temporary. The things we hold dear eventually change or fade, leaving us with a sense of loss. But when we embrace the concept of ‘no thing,’ we shift our focus from external attachme...