Journey from Body Consciousness to Soul Consciousness


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Journey from Body Consciousness to Soul Consciousness

Life, as we experience it, often feels like a journey through bondage - bondage of thoughts, emotions, desires, and attachments. These invisible chains keep us bound to the external world, making us believe that our happiness and fulfilment depend on material possessions, relationships, and worldly achievements. However, the deeper truth, as revealed through the teachings of Himalayan Samarpan Dhyanyog and Swami Shivkrupanandji, is that true liberation comes from within. It is an inner awakening, a transition from darkness to light, from bondage to true freedom.

The human experience often begins with a strong identification with the body. We perceive ourselves as this physical form, defining our existence based on sensory experiences, societal labels, and personal achievements. However, as we delve deeper into the spiritual path, we start to realise that this identification is a mere illusion - a temporary mask over our eternal essence. The body, with all its limitations, is but a vessel, while the true self is the formless, boundless soul that transcends physical existence.

Swami Shivkrupanandji teaches that meditation is the bridge between body consciousness and soul consciousness. When we sit in stillness, we gradually detach from the sensory world and enter the realm of pure awareness. Initially, the mind resists, clinging to thoughts and distractions, but with persistent practice, we begin to perceive the vast, infinite space within us. This space is the void - not emptiness in a negative sense, but a profound stillness where the soul rests in its purest form. In this void, we find true freedom, unshackled by the demands of the material world.

The journey from body consciousness to soul consciousness requires surrender. This surrender is not about renouncing responsibilities or relationships, but about letting go of the egoic mind that seeks control and ownership over everything. It is about shifting our awareness from "I am this body" to "I am the eternal consciousness that witnesses this body." This shift in perspective changes everything. Life continues as it is, yet we are no longer entangled in its illusions. We experience joy without attachment, engage in relationships without possessiveness, and move through challenges without fear.

Himalayan Samarpan Dhyanyog emphasises that this transformation happens through the Guru’s grace. The Guru is not just an external entity but the awakened consciousness within us, guiding us towards our highest potential. When we surrender to this divine presence, the layers of illusion start peeling away, and we awaken to our true nature. The physical form remains, but we no longer define ourselves by it. We live in the world but are not of it. We function through the body, but our awareness is rooted in the infinite.

This transition is not abrupt; it unfolds gradually as we deepen our meditation practice. In the beginning, we may experience glimpses of stillness, brief moments of detachment from the body. But with time and devotion, these moments expand, becoming our natural state. The light of the soul begins to shine through, dissolving fears, anxieties, and attachments. We realise that we were never truly bound - our limitations were only creations of the mind. The soul has always been free, luminous, and infinite.

Swami Shivkrupanandji often reminds us that the highest form of liberation is not found in running away from life but in embracing it with full awareness. The body is a sacred vehicle for the soul’s journey; honouring it while knowing we are beyond it is the key. When we transcend body consciousness and anchor ourselves in soul consciousness, life becomes effortless, flowing in divine harmony. We experience love without conditions, peace without effort, and joy without reason - because we are no longer seeking externally; we have found everything within.

Thus, the path of Himalayan Samarpan Dhyanyog is about returning to our true nature. It is about dissolving illusions, awakening to the divine presence within, and living as embodiments of light. Through meditation, self-inquiry, and the Guru’s grace, we transition from identification with the temporary to realisation of the eternal. And in that realisation, we attain the highest freedom - where we are no longer bound by the body, but shine as pure, unbounded consciousness.


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